Tuesday, April 25, 2006

till closing time
one friday nite..
with no plans,
my high school friends, winespirits and pelicanbrief and officemate and dear friend, toni talked over iced tea, then coffee, then a few round of beers. we got home by 5am after crashing into chakiks, a bar along julia vargas ave, whose owner, toni knows and hence the privelege of staying till closing time haha!
an amazing nite, coz how often it is that two completely different circle of friends meet for the first time and in a few hours end up like really close friends.
when's the next party? oopps, no plans...
Toni, a dear friend answered this question.

she said that opportunities become a problem when
..its too much
..it makes things even more complicated

i say,
..when it comes at the wrong time and in the wrong place

Monday, April 24, 2006

i feel like i'm in a rollercoaster at the moment.
since when has opportunities become problems?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

11 hours to naga

My easter break is a joy.

I did not have a bus reservation going home so on Wednesday morning, I found myself in the bus station as early as 630 to be a ‘chance passenger’.
Tin texted and hoped, the bus driver gives me a ‘chance’. I was given one. Though at the last row and beside the alternate driver who occupied part of my seat.
The traffic was heavy on holy Wednesday so I arrived in Naga 11 hours later --- my butt was hurting and my tummy and by then I was dying to get home --- and hug my niece.

official babysitter

I’m the official babysitter to my niece, jenny whenever I’m home. She hollers my name – to get her water, to bathe her, change her clothes, make her sleep, play with her --- in short, I was her favorite company (hurrah!).


On Saturday, we spent the nite over at a nearby beach resort along with auntie eden’s family. Such a restful and refreshing break.

Jenny was of course very excited because she loves the pool and calls the sea, a pool anyway, a bigger pool.

What was funny and weird was that she cannot set foot on the sand because she finds it dirty. Not even boracay when she and her mom went there months ago. So the whole time, she was either on the cottage bench or somebody has to carry her.
That night while my sister (her mom) was feeding her, I showed her excitedly how fun it was to dig one’s feet through the sand. I got through her and slowly she reached her feet to the sand --- and there in no time, she was playing on the sand, with the sand and we could not stop her. At 2 ½ years old, she finally learned to walk on the sand.

We stayed at the resort till Sunday noontime. Well that’s Easter Sunday and my sister’s bday too! Jenny sang her a happy birthday which she sang as ‘happy detday.’ It was hard to pull Jenny out from the waters --- she was so brave and would even insist to us to free her up.
Well, that just really magnifies the truth that she was indeed born (almost) on the beach. My sister was at the beach with the whole family when she was rushed to the hospital to labor. Water. Water.

Last Monday night, when I left for naga, I cant help but really really wish I had more time with jenny and my family. Miss them already.

Friday, April 07, 2006

i love cuddling my niece on my lap -- she calls me bibi, that is without 'tita' before it. my mama often reprimands her for it but hey, shes only 2. and she says it so sweetly so...
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